Know About Us
E-Tech HRS
The name , ‘E-TECH’ is the combination of the word ‘Evaluation of Technology’, a set of principles, methods and techniques/tools for effectively assessing the potential value of a technology and its contribution to a company, a region or an industrial sector.
We are innovators and forward thinkers providing integrated services with the most up-to-date technologies. We work with the most demanding industries that are building the future; namely automotive, aerospace, household items, electro-electronics, and medical.
We have a standard & continuously evolving high performance range of hot runner systems and components.
Our Principle is HOTSYS Co. Ltd. ,Korea, has enabled us to offer world class hot runner systems.

Hot Runner Systems have come like a boon to the industry. Moulds incorporated with Hot Runner System are also known as zero wastage moulds as unlike conventional two-plate and three-plate moulds, these moulds eject only the components and not the feed system. Hot runner mold make parts of uniform density, and are free from all runners, flash and gate stubs.
Hotsys Co. Ltd
Hotsys are much known name in the Worldwide Hot Runner Market and regular doing the improvements and research for new technologies in Hot Runner Industries. Hotsys has established his name as a Benchmark.
Hotsys’s hot runner portfolio has all advance technologies with best and reliable quality.
Hotsys have a very big and experienced team in Research and Development department who researching the new technology time to time.
Hotsys have six manufacturing plants and 13 agencies all over the World.
Global service network
Hotsys are much known name in the Worldwide Hot Runner Market and regular doing the improvements and research for new technologies in Hot Runner Industries. Hotsys has established his name as a Benchmark.
Hotsys’s hot runner portfolio has all advance technologies with best and reliable quality.
Hotsys have a very big and experienced team in Research and Development department who researching the new technology time to time.
Hotsys have six manufacturing plants and 13 agencies all over the World.